Most sequencer programs / MIDI players will definitely refuse to open files with this error for editing / playback. The keyboard may refuse to load the style. Style Fixer will automatically repair more than 95% of style files which have errors (check the "Errors" column in the PSR Style Database application) and will list the remaining less than 5% of style files which may not be style files at all or are so damaged that automatic repair is impossible. Other styles have errors in some parts only but this makes these styles impossible to use. Many of these style files for download at various sites suffer from a number of errors which makes them impossible to load in a keyboard or impossible to edit in a sequencer software. Style Fixer is developed to repair Yamaha keyboard style files.

check and repair style files listed in a text file with one file name (incl.check and repair style files listed in a CSV file created with the "Export Style Data to CSV File" function in the "PSR Style Database" Application.check and repair a folder (and its subfolders) of style files.The program is a standalone program which can: If the CASM section is missing the program can add a default CASM section (if this default can be successfully used).

Not repairable style files will be listed and allow the user to delete these files or to move or copy these files to user selected folders. This program will check erroneous Yamaha keyboard style files and repair a number of common errors. Style Fixer is a software program for repairing erroneous YAMAHA Keyboard style files.